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Please complete all consent forms.  Kid'z Courier will not provide transportation services without authorized consents.  Thanks for entrusting us with your child(ren)!

Consent Form

I give Kid'z Courier, LLC authorization to pick-up/drop-off my child(ren) at chosen destination.

I understand that I will be notified in the case of a medical emergency involving my child(ren).  If I cannot be reached, I authorize the calling of a doctor and the providing of necessary medical services in the event my child(ren) is injured or becomes ill.  I understand that Kid’z Courier, LLC will not be responsible for the medical expenses incurred, but that such expenses will be my responsibility as a parent/guardian.

I hereby give permission for myself/my child to be photographed at Kid’z Courier, LLC.  I understand the photos will be used to keep a journal of activities, to share during PowerPoint presentations and/or reports to our donors and for promotional purposes including flyers, brochures, newspaper, and on the internet.  I understand, although, my child(ren) photograph may be used for advertising, his or her identity will not be disclosed; I do not expect compensation and that all photos are the property of Kid’z Courier, LLC and its affiliates. 

Thanks for submitting!

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